Create Your Own VPN Server with DD-WRT

Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) aren't just for corporate networks. You can setup your own VPN sever in your home or small office. Use it to securely connect to your network when away to get access to your network shares and computers. You might also find it useful when on public networks or Wi-Fi hotspots, to secure your traffic from local eavesdroppers.
One way to quickly setup a simple VPN server is to load DD-WRT onto your router, if it's compatible. DD-WRT is a firmware replacement. It replaces the factory brains of your router, giving it a new control panel with more features, such as a VPN server.
In this article, we'll go through the process of setting up the Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) VPN feature of DD-WRT. It's no secret that PPTP has vulnerabilities like many other computing protocols, however sometimes taking some risks is acceptable. In addition to being easier to configure and manage, PPTP is already supported in Windows.
To get started, login to the Web-based control panel.
Type the default IP address of into a web browser.
The first time accessing the router, you'll be prompted to create a username and password.
Click the Services tab and choose the PPTP sub-tab.
In the PPTP Server area, select Enable.
Then input the IP address of the router ( for the Server IP.
For the Client IP(s), input a single address if you're the only user. If there's more than one user, you can specify a range. You should choose an address or range that doesn't conflict with the router's IP and client IPs ( – Make sure you specify ranges with the shorter format; don't include the whole address for the ending IP.
The CHAP-Secrets textbox is where you specify the usernames and passwords. Be sure to input them in the special format: username, space, asterisk, space, password, space, and asterisk.
Here's an example:
 aviity * aviitypassword *
 blogger * bloggerpassword *
If you're running a RADIUS/AAA server, you can optionally authenticate VPN users against it by enabling RADIUS and inputing your server details.
When you're all done, click Apply Settings, which will save and then apply the changes.

Pyload on Asus RT-N16

First install Optware according to my instructions. This is required for the following commands, so please ensure that you didn’t run into any errors during the installation. Then run the following command to install the required packages:

ipkg install python nano py25-crypto py25-curl libcurl py25-openssl py25-django tesseract-ocr unzip sqlite wget-ssl py25-pil unrar ossp-js
 I got problems with wget-ssl package, as it is not compatible with the standard wget, I installed the version with the standard SSL and me working properly, to get wget-ssl uninstall wget use:

ipkg remove wget
Then go to /opt/, and download pyload:

cd /opt/
unzip pyload-src*.zip
rm pyload-src-*.zip

First change the default configuration-Directory as it will get lost otherwise:

cd /opt/pyload/
python --changedir --configdir=/opt/pyload/.pyload

Press Enter once to confirm the path /opt/pyload/.pyload. Press it again to Exit the Dialog.

Now you are good to go for the installation-process:
python /opt/pyload/ -s

This asks you many questions, just look at my output. Please change the Download-Folder to your desired folder (i’ve chosen /mnt/download). I added “{ENTER}” for every time when i pressed Enter on the keyboard. All other input is marked bold:

Choose your Language / Wähle deine Sprache ([en], de, it, pl, fr, cs, es): {ENTER}
Welcome to the pyLoad Configuration Assistent.
It will check your system and make a basic setup in order to run pyLoad.

The value in brackets [] always is the default value,
in case you don’t want to change it or you are unsure what to choose, just hit enter.
Don’t forget: You can always rerun this assistent with –setup or -s parameter, when you start pyLoadCore.
If you have any problems with this assistent hit STRG-C,
to abort and don’t let him start with pyLoadCore automatically anymore.

When you are ready for system check, hit enter.

## System Check ##
Python Version: OK
pycurl: OK
sqlite3: OK

pycrypto: OK

py-imaging: OK
tesseract: OK

PyQt4: missing
django: OK
JS engine: OK

System check finished, hit enter to see your status report.

## Status ##

Features available: container decrypting, ssl connection, automatic captcha decryption, Webinterface, extended Click’N'Load
Continue with setup? ([y]/n): {ENTER}
Do you want to change the config path? Current is /opt/pyload/.pyload
If you use pyLoad on a server or the home partition lives on an internal flash it may be a good idea to change it.
Change config path? (y/[n]): {ENTER}

Do you want to configure basic settings?
This is recommend for first run.
Make basic setup? ([y]/n): {ENTER}

## Basic Setup ##
The following logindata are only valid for CLI and GUI, but NOT for webinterface.
Username [User]: MyPersonalUser {ENTER}
Password: MyPasswordForUser {ENTER}
Password (again): MyPasswordForUser {ENTER}

Language ([en], de, it, pl, es, cs, fr): {ENTER}
Downloadfolder [Downloads]: /mnt/HD/HD_a2/Downloads/ {ENTER}
Max parallel downloads [3]: {ENTER}
Use Reconnect? (y/[n]): {ENTER}

Do you want to configure ssl?
Configure ssl? (y/[n]): {ENTER}

Do you want to configure webinterface?
Configure webinterface? ([y]/n): {ENTER}

## Webinterface Setup ##
Creating table auth_permission
Creating table auth_group
Creating table auth_user
Creating table auth_message
Creating table django_content_type
Creating table django_session
Creating table django_admin_log
Creating table pyload_prefs
Installing index for auth.Permission model
Installing index for auth.Message model
Installing index for admin.LogEntry model
If you see no errors, your db should be fine and we’re adding an user now.
Username [User]: MyPersonalUserForWebInterface {ENTER}
Superuser created successfully.
Password: MyPasswordforWeb {ENTER}
Password (again): MyPasswordforWeb {ENTER}

Activate webinterface? ([y]/n): {ENTER}
Listen address, if you use or localhost, the webinterface will only accessible locally.
Address []: {ENTER}
Port [8000]: {ENTER}

Setup finished successfully.
Hit enter to exit and restart pyLoad

 Now you can start pyload with this command

python /opt/pyload/
Create a startup script using this command  
nano /opt/etc/init.d/S90pyloadstart
Enter the following:
start() {
echo "Starting Service: $NAME"
cd /opt/pyload
pyload -dmS pyload python /opt/pyload/
stop() {
if [ -n "`pidof $NAME`" ]; then
echo "Stopping Service: $NAME"
killall $NAME 2> /dev/null
case "$1" in
sleep 4
echo "Usage: $0 (start|stop|restart)"
exit 1
exit 0
Finally make it executable:
chmod +x /opt/etc/init.d/S90pyloadstart
Ready, reboot and you should be in place to ensure you can make a
ps –ale | grep py
You should see several services if none appears there has been some mistake.

Pyload Web access: (or whatever you put in the settings)

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Download manager for DD-WRT - Pyload

So howz it going with your new super optimized routers... it must be amazing...

Today I am gonna tell you how to install pyload on DD-WRT which can be used to download files from file hosters like rapidshare, megaupload, etc.

First What is Pyload.

The advantage in installing pyLoad on a Router is quite obvious: You don`t need to run your Computer several hours to make your Downloads. Your electricity saving Router can do this for you.
As pyLoad is written in python, it is possible to install it on a Router (if it supports this). The Router needs also a USB-connection for a Harddrive and you need a USB-Harddrive. 


pyLoad is a fast, lightweight and full featured download manager for many One-Click-Hoster, container formats like DLC, video sites or just plain http/ftp links. It aims for low hardware requirements and platform independence to be runnable on all kind of systems (desktop pc, netbook, NAS, router).
Despite its strict restriction it is packed full of features just like webinterface, captcha recognition, unrar and much more.

pyLoad is divided into core and clients, to make it easily remote accessible. Currently there are a webinterface, command line interface, a GUI written in Qt and an Android client.


Some main advantages at a glance:
  • completely written in python
  • low hardware requirements
  • features many One-Click-Hoster
  • including premium support, captcha recognition, reconnect feature
  • DLC, CCF, RSDF support
  • easily remote accessible via webinterface or GUI
  • free support at irc
  • released under GPL
Below you find an excerpt of pyLoads plugins and features.
Here you find some currently supported hosters. All premium hosters includes freeuser support, of course.


  • Freakshare
  • DepositFiles
  • Megaupload
  • Filesonic

Free only

  • Zippyshare
  • Youtube
  • Myvideo
  • ShareCx
  • XDCC



Modern webinterface with nice AJAX support, written in django.

Command Line Interface

Control pyLoad from your terminal. (not working on windows)

Graphical User Interface

GUI written in pyQt available for every OS.

Android Client

Let you control pyLoad from your smarthphone.

IRC, XMPP Interface

Control pyLoad with your IRC client or chat messenger.

Captcha Recognition

Automatically process catpchas for some hoster, when tesseract and pil is available or optional uses CaptchaTrader plugin.


Automatically unrar your downloaded files when they are finished.

Click and Load 2 + FlashGot

JDownloaders Click and Load Support (only working when pyLoad runs locally)

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Optware on ASUS RT-N16 Stage 2

So you really followed all my posts...
Really... thats good and it means you really want to install things.
So without any more a-due let us continue.

Stage 1 - Formatting and Partitioning USB Storage - Completed 

Stage 2 -  Installing Optware, the Right Way

Installing Optware, the Right Way

This is the latest, greatest and easiest way to enable Optware on your Router. It is recommended that you have a router with USB capable storage (Harddisks (must be self-powered), flash-drives etc.) and the LATEST build! (preferably freshly flashed)
Another aspect to note is that some of these services (i.e Twonky) consume alot of CPU resources, so make sure you check your resource consumptions.
Default Services that will be installed:
  • Bash instead of shell in busybox - (LFS support)
  • Automounting, Unmounting and Hotmounting of storage devices - Automatically mounts all recognized partitions and filesystem formats (including NTFS in K26).
  • Network printing with Watchprinter - Plug a USB printer into your router and let anyone on the LAN (or even WAN) print.
  • Torrent transmission with watchdog - Including Bittorrent transmission with Web Administration
  • Pre-configured Samba share - Samba provides file and print services for various Microsoft Windows clients and can integrate with a Windows Server domain, either as a Primary Domain Controller (PDC) or as a domain member.
  • NFS File Sharing - It is now possible to share files via NFS in a pure Linux environment.
  • Xinetd - A replacement for inetd, the internet services daemon. Controls user defined network services such as printing and SWAT (Samba Web Administration Tool)
  • Pound - A lightweight open source reverse proxy program suitable to be used as a web server load balancing solution.
  • Vlighttpd - Allows you to get a 2nd IP on your system and run virtual hosting there.
  • Pixelserv - A super minimal webserver, it's one and only purpose is serving a 1x1 pixel transparent gif file. Using some creative firewalling (netfilter/iptables) rules you can redirect some webrequests (for adds for example) to pixelserv.
  • AsiaBlock - A custom iptables firewall that is configurable to block certain countries from accessing your Webserver, FTP or just general Web surfing.
  • Worldblock - Very similar to Asiablock, other than the fact that it is for blocking everything except your country. To properly use this service, you must know how to use Vi editor to add your country.
  • StopHack - This CRON script will check /var/log/messages for pound entries that are malicious and put the IP's in /opt/etc/asia.spam. The AsiaBlock service MUST be running for this to work.
  • Stophammer - Similar to stophack, only it provides firewall services that increase your network security in a very respectable fashion. See Service examples below to understand how it works.
  • Vim with proper terminal support - Vim is an advanced text editor that seeks to provide the power of the de-facto Unix editor 'Vi', with a more complete feature set.
  • Siproxd - A masquerading SIP Proxy Server. Siproxd is a proxy/masquerading daemon for the SIP protocol. It handles registrations of SIP clients on a private IP network and performs rewriting of the SIP message bodies to make SIP connections work via an masquerading firewall (NAT). It allows SIP software clients (like kphone, linphone) or SIP hardware clients (Voice over IP phones which are SIP-compatible).
  • Fixtables - This service is used to fix a firewall rule-set bug that is present in all K26 firmwares. K24 is not affected. The service also contains VITAL security measures against current DD-WRT builds! It is highly recommended to use.
  • Zabbix - Zabbix offers advanced monitoring, alerting and visualization features today which are missing in other monitoring systems, even some of the best commercial ones. This service blows away SNMP, Cacti, Wallwatcher, etc. For more information, search the forums and check out the website!
  • Reloc_syslogd - A service that is designed to extend the size of DD-WRT's syslogd and integrate kernel logging into /opt/var/log/messages
  • Service tool - Control all of these services. (Usage explained below)
  • Services running as other users than root
  • Other various useful tools such as net and storage diagnostics..

Connecting the Drive to your Router

1. In the DD-WRT web GUI screen, on the Services USB tab enable the options for:
  • Core USB support
  • USB storage support
  • Printer Support (optional)
  • Automatic Drive Mount
2. From the DD-WRT web GUI screen, click on Save Settings, then Apply Settings 3. If everything was done correctly, this should appear on your Services -> USB Tab:

If using a USB hub to connect multiple devices, make sure NOT to overload the routers power supply. If the devices are self-powered, still be careful. Flashdrives do consume quite a bit of power, and even the I/O of the self-powered devices pulls some current.

Executing the Script

Start a terminal session using telnet or SSH

To do this in Windows, go to Start -> Run and type the following:
telnet (use the ip address of your router if different than
Enter the following at the telnet prompt:


password: router's admin password to the web interface.

NOTE When entering your password, the characters will not show up. This is normal for security. If it doesn't work the first time, make sure you don't make a typo or that the caps lock is not on when entering it.

In Windows, telnet can be accessed from a command prompt... Start ->Run, while a program like PuTTY will allow for either telnet or SSH sessions and is a much more flexible and secure shell prompt. It does not even need to be installed..

NOTE - Can't login via SSH

If you find that you can't log in to SSH after installation, check that you're using a build greater than, and including 12827. The reason is that bash is used as shell after installation, but older firmware builds don't allow for shells other than /bin/sh to be used in SSH.
Once logged in:

Make sure you are able to connect to the internet through the router. Pinging a domain is a good example:
ping (or any other domain of your choice)
You should get a multi-line response along the lines of:
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=52 time=106.551 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=52 time=102.864 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=52 time=101.219 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=52 time=100.507 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=52 time=96.661 ms

Once you see a few lines of that, hit CTRL+C to return to a root prompt.
If you do NOT see output as mentioned above, you need to troubleshoot to establish an internet connection first.

Some possibilities:

A) Reboot the router. (this alone may help. If not, continue to suggestion B)

B) Power off your cable modem, then the router.
Wait 30 seconds, then power on the cable modem.
Wait 30 seconds and power on the router.
Wait 30 seconds, then telnet back into the router and repeat the ping test demonstrated above.

Now you should have a connection. If so, continue with the following steps.

Enter the following commands into Busybox/Telnet:
wget -O /tmp/prep_optware 

sh /tmp/prep_optware

Upgrade Command is the same

This will load all the necessary Optware and supporting scripts that Frater wrote from the ground up.
This will take about 10-20 mins depending on your connection and your router CPU clock. Close your Web Interface as this consumes precious memory and CPU resources
Once everything has completed, wait you will be returned to a root prompt. Wait a minimum of 1 minute, then type reboot into either the BusyBox/Telnet Shell (why not, you're right there) or reboot via Web Interface.
Important After rebooting, wait again at least another minute before logging back into the Telnet/SSH session!

Ensure Partitions are mounted

In either telnet or SSH, enter the command mount , or the other commands underlined in red , if everything is working properly, it should look like this:


Important To keep track of your drives free space, issue the command df -h

You will get an output like this:

root@Asus:~# df -h
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
rootfs                5.7M  5.7M     0 100% /
/dev/root             5.7M  5.7M     0 100% /
                     756M  215M  534M  29% /opt
/dev/sda4             293G  173G  117G  60% /mnt
/dev/sda3             504M   17M  483M   4% /tmp/c

Using PuTTy to enable/disable Services


BusyBox/Telnet Commands for services:
service - show all services (enabled/disabled)
service <service name> - if "status" parameter is supported, will show service status, otherwise will show whether specified service is running
service <service name> on - Enable the script, allowing execution (chmod +x  /opt/etc/init.d/S<servicescript>)
service <service name> off - Disable the script, disallowing execution (chmod -x  /opt/etc/init.d/S<servicescript>)
service <service name> start - Start/execute the script, as long as service is enabled (i.e. permissions allow execution)
service <service name> stop Stop/kill the script, if the service is running
service <service name> restart Stop/kill the script, if the service is running, and then start/execute the script, as long as service is enabled
service <service name> <parameter> - Run the script with the parameter.
For a service to work it must be first switched on*, and then told to start.
service <service name> on
service <service name> start
  • Once you enable a service with the on parameter, the service is set to allow execution, and will run the next time you restart your router. You will need to issue a start directly proceeding it to initiate the service if you wish to start the service without restarting your router. A service must be set to on before it can be started.
For downloading torrents you need to enable and start transmission service.
command is
service transmission start
Then wait for 2 minutes and then goto address

Turn off the twonky server as it consumes lot of resources

service twonky stop
service twonky off

Now you are done and enjoy your router's super performance.

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Optware on Asus RT-N16

SO if you have followed my last post about installing DD-WRT on ASUS RT-N16 correctly then you must have had a very powerful linux router, which can perform all tasks.

But for that we need to add functionality to the linux router.

For that we will be using optware on DD-WRT.

1) a usb hdd/pen drive
2) gparted live cd/linux with gnome environment and with gparted installed
3) BRAIN...

Installing optware requires two stages
1) Formatting and Partitioning USB Storage
2) Installing Optware, the Right Way

Lets start with first preparing your drive.

Stage 1

Formatting and Partitioning USB Storage for DD-WRT

NOTE This applies only to USB capable devices. Also, if using any flash-based media (SD, Thumb drives, SSD etc., the EXT2 filesystem format is advised due to the fact that EXT3 uses Journaling. EXT2 performs fewer writes than EXT3 since it does not need to write to the journal. As the major aging factor of a flash chip is the number of erase cycles, and as those happen frequently on writes, this increases the life span of the solid-state device. Using EXT2 on self powered HDD's is also advisable as it will increase the Read/Write speeds. However, it is important to note that using EXT2, without a U.P.S, or other consistent PSU, can cause the file-structure to become corrupted if power is lost or the drive is unmounted improperly!
  • Introduction:
Due to the very nature of DD-WRT, its infrastructure, and the routers they support, one must use a Linux file format in order to take full advantage of the thousands of installable packages that allow for incredible user control and add excellent flexibility to the router.
Optware is a highly useful system, especially for those with routers capable of USB external storage support.
This page will illustrate, in the highest detail possible, how to correctly and painlessly perform the steps required to Format and Partition your External storage device for use with Optware and other means.
If you own a USB capable router, there should be no excuse not to follow this guide as it will open up more doors than you can imagine!

Metaphorical example: You buy a Chevy Silverado 3500HD dually with a Turbo diesel engine. However you don't install the towing package. Well, why the hell did you buy it in the first place? Hook up that towing package and get what you paid for!

Windows Method Using Linux Live CD and Gparted

If you are already a Linux OS user, great, as it will be slightly less of a procedure. See the preferred Linux method below For Windows users, there are several things you need to prepare before attempting this:

1. Download GParted, which is a free, user friendly and disk bootable Linux distribution OS tool. You MUST have this to perform the following as Windows does not have the capability of formatting Linux filesystems.

2. Once downloaded you will need to burn the image to a CD-R using a program like Nero.

3. Once the operation is complete, re-insert the disk and reboot Windows. Once your computer reboots, the bootdisk will initialize and GParted will start up. If it doesn't, you need to make sure your PC's BIOS settings dictate that the boot sequence starts with your CD-ROM drive as the first device.

4. Once GParted loads, select your language. Sit back and wait for it to load.

5. Once in GParted, connect the drive you wish to Format and Partition.

6. Right-Click the drive icon and select "Unmount."

7. Now you will need to prepare the drive and format/partition it. The following images illustrate the procedure (UPDATE the Minimum size for Optware should be 512MB) Also the JFFS partition is NOT needed for USB users, only MMC users. If you add the JFFS partition to your USB device and post in the forums regarding an issue, you will not be answered!!!!:

8a. Click Device and select Create Partition Table

8b. Right click the "Unallocated Space and select New. Continue this procedure for each Partition you create

The partition size value for the following Data partition should be left alone, as this is the remaining space on the disk:

You're finished! Now all that's left to do is plug the drive into your router and enable the modules you need.


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DD-WRT on Asus RT-N16

Asus RT-N16 the super Router

Just bought the router after a lot of research and it was worth investing, if u want to do lot of things in our home network then this is the One.

So right away I will start on how I am gonna install linux on Asus RT-N16

Things needed

1) Asus RT-N16 router

2) good internet connection

3) lan cable

4) spare time

and most important

5) Brain ;-)

So all set…lets start our project

  1. you need to replace the stock firmware with the firmware which will unleash your router. That firmware will be DD-WRT King Kong build. To do that just download the firmware from in that goto the latest version and download the AsusRT-n16 firmware. direct link
  2. Do a factory reset in the Asus GUI. Let the router reboot. Disconnect all cables (WAN, USB, etc.) and plug the Ethernet cable from your PC into the LAN1 port on the router.
    It is wise to walk away for ~5 minutes while the Mega Firmware is flashing. This ensures all NVRAM variables are successfully loaded by the Kernel before the user configures.
  3. Connect to the router using an Ethernet cable.
  4. Flashing the new rom to the router
  •         Using Internet Explorer (IMPORTANT: NOT FIREFOX), Flash the downloaded firmware file through the router's GUI at This process takes about 60 seconds. Asus factory default username/password is admin/admin.
  •         ALTERNATE - I was unable to get the initial firmware flashed on a stock router containing the latest RTN-16 firmware. Alternatively you can use the ASUS Firmware Restoration Utility (included on router CD or downloadable from [1]) to flash the initial firmware. If you've already set a static IP on your computer, you need to set it back to accept DHCP assignment for the utility to work. Install the application, load up the initial firmware, then unplug the router, and replug it in with the black RESTORE button depressed. The power light should now be blinking slowly, meaning the router is in restore mode and ready for the new firmware. Upload and wait for router reset. This was the only method that allowed me overwrite stock firmware. Follow remainder of instructions normally. -ApatheticNow
  •         ALTERNATE 2 - It seems to be not uncommon for the RESTORE process for uploading mini DD-WRT to fail part way through. Additionally, the router may refuse to go into RESTORE mode afterward leading you to not be sure what to do. If you'd like to try RESTORE again, you can unplug the router, press the WPS button while plugging it back in, then wait a few seconds. Unplug the router and it should then be able to get into RESTORE mode normally. Instead of using RESTORE mode to load DD-WRT mini, you can use the RECOVERY upload method that is outlined in the “Other - Recovery Mode” section below.
 5. After the reboot from flashing, wait for the device to show the password change screen for DD-WRT. Enter root as the user and anything for the password as you will do the user/pass procedure again after the final flash.
 6. Do a Factory Reset to clear the NVRAM. This is located under Administration → Factory Defaults in the DD-WRT Web-GUI, or open up a telnet session to your router and type erase nvram followed by the command reboot (This is the preferred method). You will be presented with the password change screen again after this step is complete.
  7. Do not skip this step! This procedure should be done BEFORE and AFTER every firmware upgrade/downgrade. Do a 30-30-30 reset on the router using the red WPS button on the rear of the unit. The following procedure will clear out the NVRAM and set dd-wrt back to default values:
            With the unit powered on, press and hold the WPS button on back of unit for 30 seconds
            Without releasing the WPS button, unplug the unit and hold reset for another 30 seconds
            Plug the unit back in STILL holding the WPS button a final 30 seconds
        Reward yourself for reading and following these instructions with a cold beverage of your choice. Enjoy DD-WRT on the RT-N16 !

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Asus RT-N16


Asus RT-N16 offers a good throughput performance but cannot cope with the stress test. The route is equipped with 128MB RAM and 480 MHz CPU and can support different third party operating systems and we also have to say that it performs better in running DD-WRT which is one of the well known open source firmware options based on Linux. If you are not bothered about using a third party firmware, then for the $100, the router offers lot features that you might expect. On the other hand, if you are looking for establishing a wireless network easily without any hard work then it is better to go with one of the single band Wireless N Gigabit router.

[edit] Specifications

Stock Power Supply = 12V - 1,25A max (**)
Ethernet Ports = WAN x 1 RJ-45 for 10/100/1000 Base T, LAN x 4 RJ-45 for 10/100/1000 Base T
Antennas = 3 x external detachable antennas
USB ports = USB2.0 x 2
WiFi Operating Frequency = 2.4GHz ~ 2.5GHz
802.11n Draft = up to 300Mbps
802.11g = 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54Mbps
802.11b = 1, 2, 5.5, 11Mbps
Unit RAM = 128 MB (2x 64MB - Samsung K4N511163QZ-HC25 or 2x 64MB - Samsung K4T51163QG-HCE6)
Unit Flash = 32 MB (MACRONIX MX29GL256EHTI2I-90Q)
Unit CPU = Broadcom4718A, 533 MHz (Factory clocked to 480MHz)
Unit Switch Chip = Broadcom BCM53115SKFBG
Color of LEDs = Blue
root@myrouter:~# cat /proc/cpuinfo
system type  : Broadcom BCM4716 chip rev 1 processor  : 0 cpu model  : MIPS 74K V4.0 BogoMIPS  : 239.20 wait instruction  : no microsecond timers  : yes tlb_entries  : 64 extra interrupt vector  : no hardware watchpoint  : yes ASEs implemented  : mips16 dsp shadow register sets  : 1 VCED exceptions  : not available VCEI exceptions  : not available
dcache hits  : 2147483648 dcache misses  : 3719954431 icache hits  : 2147483648 icache misses  : 1051981515 instructions  : 2147483648

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